
Let's face it, exercise is something most people find uninteresting due to laziness or as we Filipinos use the term " nakakatamad." A lot of people would rather sit and watch television, browse the internet or check their social media accounts than swim, bike or jog. The thing is exercise is good for your body. It is healthy because it increases your stamina, strengthens your muscles and overall makes you fit. The question is how do you make exercise interesting or fun? This is why Clark Development Corporation in partnership with Department of Tourism - Region 3 came up with the Bike Tour Expo 2016. The Bike Tour is something similar to a bike race but not quite. The Bike Tour Expo allows the biker or racer to leisurely pedal at his or her own pace. This gives the biker freedom if he or she is not that athletic. There are a total of 15 pit-stops all around Clark and Midori Clark Hotel and Casino is included in one of those stops. Cool Saturday morning. P...