Midori Clark Hotel and Casino concludes 1st Midori Sports Festival 2017

To create team stories of competition, inspiration, determination, sportsmanship and camaraderie. That was the objective of the recently concluded Midori Sports Festival 2017 which ran from August 15, 2017 until September 23, 2017. Different sport games were held from various events places such as Midori Annex, Angeles University Foundation Sports and Cultural Center, AUF Integrated School and Midori Clark Hotel and Casino. The Awarding Ceremony was held last September 23, 2017 at Midori Clark Hotel’s Festa Hall, the event was attended by the big bosses and representatives from the Midori Hotel, Midori Casino, Eaglesky, Philippine Head Office and Aqua Planet. Suggested reading : Midori Sports Festival 2017 Opening Ceremony Trophies for the Awardees To hype up the ceremony, Amir Medina and Amira Salta hosted the event. Starting it with a roll call, hearing the loudest screams and cheers of each team. It was followed by the Invocation and singing...