A different language of service at Midori Clark Hotel and Casino

After its first CSR program ( 2016 Angels’ Dream ), Midori Clark Hotel and Casino supports a hopeful project which will benefit the deaf individuals in pursuing their goals, ambitions and aspirations for work and skills development. The Department of Tourism-Region III spearheaded by Regional Director Ronnie Tiotuico and Angeles City Deaf Association have collaborated to implement a project aiming to empower the deaf individuals. The committee believes that these students can equally contribute to the community and serve the hotel guests as well in their own special ways. Initially, there are twenty three (23) deaf individuals who undertook skills training at Systems Plus College. After their classroom training, they will be exposed to the actual implementations of what they have learned inside the classrooms. (Midori Clark Hotel Team with Angeles City Deaf Association Representatives) Beginning January 30, 2016, Midori Clark Hotel will accept deaf trainees to cond...